Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

Mixtape No. 3: Zorn und Zweifel

1. Shrinebuilder - Science of Anger (2009)
2. Callisto - The Fugitive (2006)
3. Neurosis - Stones from the sky (1999)
4. Isis - The Other (2002)
5. Opeth - When (1998)
6. Metallica - To live is to die (1989)
7. Fugazi - The Kill (2001)
8. Mogwai - Take me somewhere nice (2001)
9. Cursive - A Gentleman Caller (2003)
10. Sonic Youth - Sacred Trickster (2009)
11. Fight from the inside - Delusion of necessity (2009)

...und wie immer das Tape auch als Youtube-Playlist.

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